Stop 6

Stop 6: Brisbane from the Bridge No.1-20

Brisbane from the Bridge No.1-20
Oil on canvas   10cmxcm.
Artist: Dianne Cecil
Time: 12am~2pm, Tuesday 29th May

I wish to show the presence of art in a world of travel. My works may describe the topography and flora of the area as well as creating atmosphere and sound and a feeling of being in this environment. In my paintings I view the landscape as more than an object or land fragment but as a landscape incorporating a relationship between a lived reality and a potential for other ways of being. My paintings will show how art can be viewed in public places and not always presented in Museums and galleries and how it can become part of our everyday lives. By displaying the artwork in a public place in a non-invasive environment, it enables the community to view and appreciate art.

Event Report: 

The success for the project for Stop 6 was realised in the day or presentation as the presence of art in a world of travel was certainly noticed. Art in a public place, as Stop 6 displayed on the Goodwill bridge, was viewed by nearly every person who travelled the bridge on that day. The public viewed and some engaged with the art. Recording wiewers was: 90% of travellers while those who stopped to engage may have only been 30%. Conversations with viewers, photography by viewers and acceptance of business cards by viewers to engage more, was very rewarding. The presence of rain showerw resulted in minor changes to where the paintingw were positioned but this did not deter from the overall effectiveness of the event.

(click on pictures to enlarge)

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